Master of Science in Botany – Dolphinlifesciences

Do you have any affinity towards nature & plants? If yes, botany is the best-suited career for you. In modern science & Industry, Botanist – a person qualified in botany – plays a very important role. It is a branch of biology that studies the structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases and chemical properties and evolutionary relationships between different groups of plants. As one of the oldest sciences, it was the part of the early human efforts – made to identify edible, medicinal & poisonous plants. It is the ecology study interactions of plants with other organisms and the environment which find new species or do experiments to discover how plants grow under different conditions. Well, if talking about the contemporary world, we are facing a lot of new & complex problems that were not even known a century ago. Increasing human population results in increasing environmental problems. Consequently, the need for more food is ...