Reasons to Choose the MSc Microbiology Courses in 2020

Are you looking for a career choice in the MSc Microbiology Course?

Well, MSc Microbiology offers you many career opportunities in medical science studies.

Today we are here to discuss the various career choices in the MSc Microbiology stream. 

Introduction to the MSc Microbiology

Let's first understand what MSc Microbiology is?

Microbiology can be defined as the study of the living organism that can not be visible through naked eyes such as bacteria and fungi.

Medical microbiology is perhaps the most well-known because it deals with the roles that microbes have in human illness. Other types include veterinary microbiology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology, and pharmaceutical microbiology. 

Eligibility Criteria for MSc Microbiology

MSc Microbiology needs a minimum time duration of 2 years which includes 4 semesters. Only those can opt for an MSc course who has completed the Bachelor's Degree in the Sciences with subjects in the Life Sciences /Biological /Medical /Engineering /Food /Agriculture /Home sciences and medical lab technology (MLT). Also, Mathematics /Statics /physics and chemistry with a minimum of 50% marks (45% marks for SC /ST) students are eligible for this course.

Job Opportunities After MSc Microbiology Course

The scope of Microbiology is huge because of the involvement of microbiology in various fields such as pharmacy, medical, clinical research, agriculture, dairy industry, water industry, nanotechnology & chemical technology. Other than this MSc Microbiology provides courses such as Academic researcher, Biomedical scientist, Biotechnologist, Clinical research associate, Clinical scientist, immunology, Food technologist, Medicinal chemist, Microbiologist, Nanotechnologist, Pharmacologist, Research scientist (life sciences), Technical brewer, Water quality scientist.

Further Studies After MSc Microbiology Course

If you are looking to go on higher studies such as Ph.D. after MSc Microbiology course, then you can choose the following too:

  • biochemistry
  • bioinformatics
  • biotechnology
  • environmental microbiology
  • genetics
  • medical microbiology
  • molecular biology

There are various colleges and institutes which are providing higher education to the students. But Dolphin(PG) College of Science and Agriculture gives you the best quality education with advance MSc Microbiology Courses in India where students come to acknowledge from different states.


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