Reason Behind Choosing a Course as B.Sc. Agriculture

Contemporarily, Streams like Engineering, Medical, MBA etc. are quite generic among most of the students. But how many of you have given any thought about B.Sc. in agriculture? The very first thing that comes in mind when you hear about the word agriculture is – its a farmer work – Wetting hands in Mud, Standing under the hot Sun, Holding the Bullock & much more. But you will be amazed to know about the hidden job opportunities in this sector. I talk about reducing Poverty, Research says that it is four times more effective than other sectors.

Agriculture - the basic source of food supply, plays the crucial role in the economy of the country. 51% of our total population is engaged in this field. But it is not substantially grown yet. Though according to a recent survey, our world population is rising briskly, but not the land. So the only way to fulfill the need of required food is to increase the production per area. But the majority of farmers are still using the older techniques. Here comes the need for trained professionals in this field.

B.Sc. Agriculture is a great choice for students who have an interest in this sector. It is a four-year undergraduate bachelor degree program which includes agriculture science, use of modern scientific equipment and techniques in agriculture, land surveying, soil science & much more. The prime aim of this course is to train students for improving agriculture productivity, manage products and pave way for future developments through research activities.

“Agriculture is the backbone of Human existence”

If you are looking for the best college for B.Sc. Agriculture, Dolphin(PG) College of Science and Agriculture is the ideal choice for you. We propose the highest standard of education to train students for grabbing unlimited career opportunities in both governments as well in private sectors.

Let us take a look at some of the important Subjects that are included in this course:

Agronomy – the branch of Science that deals with the study of crops & the soil in which they grow. It includes research in crop rotation, irrigation and drainage, plant breeding, soil classification, soil fertility, weed control, and other areas.

Plant Genetics – the applied study of the effects of genetic variation and selection used to propagate valuable heritable trait combinations in crop plants and farm animals. Botany, Basics of Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Basics of Biotechnology.

Soil Science – this discipline aims at improvement of soil conditions for agricultural management and the conservation of natural resources. Introduction to Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Fertilizers, Agricultural Chemistry.

Agriculture College

Agricultural Economics – Market prices, Trade prices, Marketing, Finance, Agribusiness Management, Farm Management.

Plant Pathology: Crop Diseases, Nematology.

Agricultural Meteorology: Climate patterns, Climatic hazards on Agriculture, Climatic Zones, Weather forecasting. Practical sessions related to the theoretical subjects are also present. Biochemistry, Physiology, Microbiology, English & much more.

India is an agrarian country, so this field will never run out of job opportunities. After B.Sc., one may also go for M.Sc. in this field and then choose a career as teaching in any agriculture colleges & then further Ph.D. to build a career in the Research sector associated with this field.


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