B.Sc. Agricultural Science Course – Scope & Career

Agriculture is considered as the noblest employment of a man. With a perfect climate that supports growth, diversity, and variety, India is a nation rich in the production of agricultural products.

B.Sc.Agriculture is a 4-year undergraduate degree course which involves the study of agricultural science with the use of modern scientific equipment & techniques in agriculture, land surveying, soil science, water resource management & much more. The prime objective of this course is to train students for improving productivity & managing products future developments through diverse advanced techniques.

Feeding the world is a job that is never ever going to face recession.”

Agricultural graduates are involved in research and development work in a wide range of fields such as Poverty, famine, development economics, genetic modification, environmental sustainability, disease epidemics & much more. To equip students with all-around knowledge of this sector, it includes the following important subjects:
  • Agronomy: Basics of agronomy, Field Crops(Kharif and Rabi), Crop protection, Weed Management, Irrigation Techniques, Water Resource Management, Organic Farming, Sustainable Agriculture.
  • Plant Genetics: Botany, Basics of Genetics, Plant Breeding, Seed Technology, Basics of Biotechnology.
  • Soil Science: Introduction to Soil Science, Soil Fertility, Soil Chemistry, Fertilizers, Agricultural Chemistry along with Practical sessions.
  • Entomology: Pest Management, Beneficial Insects, Grain Storage and Management.
  • Agricultural Economics: Market Prices, Trade Prices, Marketing, Finance, Agribusiness Management, Farm Management.
  • Agricultural Meteorology: Climate Patterns, Climatic Hazards on Agriculture, Climatic zones, Weather forecasting.
  • Horticulture: Fruit crops, Medicinal plants, Aromatic plants, Flower production, Spices, Plantation crops. 
However, this course is not limited to theoretical study but also with the practical application of farming, such as the cultivation of cereals.

Careers in Agriculture:

Though the scope of bsc agriculture is rising with the increased demand for professionals in the country. A huge range of Government, as well as Private job opportunities, are available after graduation in this field. Some well-known job posts are:
  • Research Officer
  • Quality Assurance Officer
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Production Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Farm Manager

Dolphin(PG) College of Life Science & Agriculture offers this bsc agricultural science courses to develop agrarian Professionals for the growth & enhancement in the agriculture productivity as well as economic development of the country. 12th Science stream students with interest in this field can enroll now. 


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