Exciting Career Opportunities for MSc Zoology Students!

Zoology has great aspects in the professional career for many who have passed the M.Sc Zoology course. Zoology is the subject that is concerned with the animals regarding their species, transformation, and evolution.

It is related to the biological, chemical, and physical processes of the animals. It is the enhanced study of animals that are carnivorous, herbivorous, and so on regarding their evolution, embryology, behavior, structure, and distribution of animals that are living and extinct.

The career opportunities in the zoology are countless and bright for enthusiasts of this field.

Career Scope of MSc Zoology

  • An M.Sc Zoology postgraduate can get job opportunities in most of the fields such as in the public sector, private sector, and abroad.

  • Many private-sector industries, firms, and research centers provide a huge scope of job opportunities to these postgraduates.

  • Among many pharmaceuticals, drugs, and chemical industries hire people from this background.

  • In many sectors, there is a rapid increase in the demand for such persons who are qualified in this subject.

  • A bright career in teaching or lecturership also awaits for such people who have completed this course, however, provided that, they must qualify the NET and complete a Ph.D. in this subject.

  • In the public sector, the demand for the job is also booming. Many job openings are available through the UPSC, SSC, SPSC, etc. Besides this many jobs related to the research are available in the ISRO, BARC, etc.

  • The forensic department also boosts much employment for the people who are from this field.

  • A very compelling career also awaits in abroad for the students who have completed the master’s degree. Many companies hire easily freshers and experienced people in this field.

The career in this field includes numerous jobs such as zoologist, zookeeper, wildlife rehabilitator, wildlife educator, veterinary technologist, herpetologist, conservationist, and so on. There are lots of colleges/universities that provide M.Sc Zoology courses in India. But Dolphin (PG) College of Science & Agriculture provides an eminent standard of study to students.


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